What do you mean by “take a Nap top of a bridge?? Will Any old bridge work? How long must I nap? What are the rules?! I can’t nap without rules!”

OK FINE. The bridge must have a superstructure, and you must nap at the highest nap-able peak, or any other unauthorized part of the bridge. (For example, Napping on the catwalk under the Subway tracks on the Willy B Bridge—probably not a good night’s sleep, but also very off limits). By Nap-able, we mean any off limits part of the bridge that is safe for napping.

We don’t care how long you nap. 5 minutes, 5 hours, we’re not picky. No need to set a timer or an alarm.

Is it safe to take a Nap on a bridge?

Use your own judgement. Definitely don’t nap in any area you might roll off of and die. Use proper safety equipment.

Is it legal to take a nap on bridges?

While it’s probably frowned upon by legal authorities (since you do have to go to an unauthorized part of the bridge to nap, preferably near the top), Napping is a human right. If the only place you can find to sleep is on a bridge, so be it.

If you are caught, you DO assume all legal expenses associated with any court cases that might arise from your nap, and membership does not provide any financial benefit to cover lost wages while napping some more in a holding cell. However, if you use your Right To Nap as legal defense, and can prove it with court records, you automatically become a Bridge Nap All Star. You will be an absolutely legend, documented in our hall of fame for a lifetime.

Why in the world would anyone want to Nap on a bridge?

Chances are, it’s because you’ve climbed so many bridges that you just need a nap.

Also birds are cool. The Sky. Clouds. Wow.

Is Naps on Bridges club queer-friendly?

Naps are a unifying force in the world. We don’t discriminate based on sexual identity, race, color or creed. Everyone deserves to Nap, though not everyone will nap on a bridge.

What about sleepovers?

Only if you make S’mores. You will owe any local chapter president 3 S’mores upon collection request, which can occur anytime within ten years of your reported nap.

Will there be Naps on Bridges merchandise?

Totally. All funds will be split between verified chapter members. We’re going to make that MyPillow guy our bitch.